The muscle-dependent proposition stems from the "Twilight" hunk's recent court filings alleging that Brent McMahon, who owns McMahon's RV in Irvine, California, failed to complete a $300,000 custom trailer in time for him to use on the set of his movie.
According to NY Daily News, McMahon wants to face-off against Lautner in a push-up contest rather than pay the actor the $40,000 in which he's seeking.Denying any wrongdoing and expressing plans to go to court if Taylor doesn't accept the push-up plan, McMahon, 47, has even said that he'll donate the $40,000 in question to Children's Hospital of Orange County if her ends up beating his younger counterpart.
Meanwhile, Lautner's attorney, Robert Barta, was unwilling to comment - seemingly not taking to kindly to the unusual offer.
Whatchamacallit Reviews: What first attracted each of you to the project?
Brandon Routh: Well nobody was able to read the script until they were cast, essentially, so it was the possibility of working with Edgar Wright that attracted me to the project. Once we were cast, we were able to read the source material and that was just kind of icing on the cake because it was such a cool concept.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead: Yeah, I was attracted to it because Edgar Wright was directing and he gave me books to read and eventually, the script came along. The script was amazing, the rest of the cast was amazing, there was nothing that could deter me from the project.
Anna Kendrick: I was a big fan of Edgar’s work and I was just like “Yes please!”
WR: How much of the fighting scenes were done by you?
MW: We had to do a lot of it. Michael and I trained every day for two months like eight hours a day, all the exes would sort of rotate coming to town and train for a bit. We did boot camp training, kung fu training, fight choreography…the stunt team really wanted us to do as much as possible. They tailored the choreography to be stuff that we could achieve, but the stunt guys were always there to step in at a moments notice and take over and they definitely did some amazing stunts in the movie. The majority of it is us though.
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