The screenwriter for Twilight Saga says the Breaking Dawn movies will be a radical departure from the series featuring — not just chaste kissing — but, “multiple sex scenes”.
Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for the final two movies, told Access Hollywood of the upcoming developments in Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) relationship.
The screenwriter for Twilight Saga says the Breaking Dawn movies will be a radical departure from the series featuring — not just chaste kissing — but, “multiple sex scenes”.
Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for the final two movies, told Access Hollywood of the upcoming developments in Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) relationship.
“There will be a child birth scene,” she added.
Previously, Kristen had speculated on what a human-vampire baby would look like, for instance, would it have little teeth?
“I suggest she may,” Melissa said.
The scriptwriter added, “I am in the middle of Breaking Dawn. I was doing Breaking Dawn this morning and I will do Breaking Dawn tomorrow morning. It’s right deep in the middle.”