Friday, 25 March 2011
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Rob's 10 Best MTV Quotes :D
Whatever does happen, though, you can count on it being entertaining. In his own kinda awkward, always endearing way, Pattinson has a knack for delivering memorable sound bites. As we count down the days until "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, we plucked out our 10 favorite quotes of his, ranging from those strange days when RPattz wasn't yet a household name to recent comments about a "Breaking Dawn" photo of him in bed with Kristen Stewart.
10. "This is the first time, really, that I'll be confronted with a bunch of Twilighters. I guess I can see for myself. But I'm kind of nervous about it." — At Comic-Con in 2008
9. "The worst part is you've got to work almost every single day, which is something I'm never going to get used to." — On the downside of being Edward Cullen, at the Los Angeles premiere of "New Moon"
8. "I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting. When he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, 'Jeez, now I have to go to the gym!' — Speaking to MTV Radio about seeing Taylor Lautner's pre-"New Moon" physical transformation for the first time
7. "It made me feel really tough, really hard. I don't think I've ever won a fight in my life." — On winning Best Fight with Cam Gigandet at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards
6. "To be honest, I should've been nominated in a few more categories." — On "New Moon" only receiving five noms at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards
5. "Before 'Twilight,' I did any movie that I got [offered], and you'd try and make the best of it afterward. But now you're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance as well. You can't just mess around. People are like, 'We're employing you to be here, as a star and an actor.' It's difficult, and it's scary." — On the pressures that come with superstardom.
4. "The idea of kind of doing this big romantic kiss, like Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did [for 'The Notebook'], I couldn't do that. I'd be so embarrassed! So I just thought, 'We better do something dumb.' But then Kristen didn't want to do something dumb!" — On his awkward smooch with KStew while accepting the win for Best Kiss at the 2010 Movie Awards
3. "I love how they release that for the first one. They just give it all away." — Speaking at the Golden Globes about the publication of a photo of Edward and Bella in bed on their honeymoon
2. "I like the story about me being pregnant. It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page! I was like, 'Wow, that's just [insane].' And it's not even ironic. I don't even think the article [tried to justify it]; it was just a headline. The article was just like, nothing." — On the strange things he learns when Googling himself
1. "Lot of my crack in it!" — On his onscreen nudity in the upcoming drama, "Bel Ami"
'Breaking Dawn' Wedding Scene to Be Filmed in April
In the meantime, the cast and crew

Production for this final "Twilight" movie is allegedly scheduled to wrap up on April 13. Recently, on March 11, the shooting was suspended for a while due to a tsunami warning that was released following the tsunami in the Pacific that hit Japan earlier the day. The cast and crew were evacuated from the set at Vancouver Island beach area in British Columbia to base camp.
"Breaking Dawn" will follow Edward and Bella whose newfound married bliss is cut short when a series of betrayals and misfortunes threaten to destroy their world. Bill Condon serves behind the lens for the two-part last installment of "Twilight" film series.
"The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn Part I" is due November 18 in the U.S., and Summit Entertainment has additionally planned to release "The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn Part II" on November 16, 2012. (source)
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Kristen & Taylor Evacuated In Tsunami Warning

"Due to the tsunami advisory, filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn has been delayed," Summit Entertainment said in a statement to MTV. "All cast and crew were evacuated to base camp. Everyone is safe and sound."
According to People, the cast had been working in Tofino, a town with plenty of open coastline, that can also be viewed in “The Twilight Saga: New Moon."
“Twilight Saga” actress Tinsel Korey, who plays Emily, tweeted: “They're evacuating us 4 a tsumnani warning. If this... is my last my tweet. I love you. The end. Hugz.” She followed it up with, “If this is the moment. Then I've lived a good life. And I'm thankful 4 everything I've been given. 1 love. ”
(If that seems a little dramatic, Korey added that she’s not trying to be. “I’m just saying my peace,” she tweeted. “This is my truth right now.”) (source)
Saturday, 5 March 2011
She Means ... A Lot
Friday, 4 March 2011
Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Spotted In Vancouver Hotel Room
Hollywood Life credits "our source" with this tangy tale about the duo, who are in town shooting the eagerly awaited Twilight sequel, Breaking Dawn.
If you're not ready for the tawdry spiel leaked to the website, don't read on.
Still there? Here goes: “They like to order room service instead of going down to the hotel restaurant and bar." Uh, oh.
As if that weren't enough, let's dig "our source" for the details of Rob and Kristen's undoubtedly raucous behaviour with holed up at the Wall. “Rob and Kristen are both really nice and cool.”
As more salty details continue to pour out about the couple's West Coast dalliance, isn't it time we did a "Brangelina" on them for brevity's sake.
Pattinson On The Cover Of 'Vanity Fair' (April 2011)
Escape from the Twilight Zone
But then something happened. Word got out. “They always find out somehow,” he says resignedly. Suddenly there were a thousand people in the street, and the police had to come and control the crowd. A bouncer asked him, “You want us to go and knock someone out?,” and Pattinson says, “I was like, ‘What are you talking about? You don’t need to hit anybody.’ ” Now he and his friends were trapped in the same bar that had been an oasis of anonymity. A police escort had to take them back to their hotel.
But such superlatives are probably just the kind of thing that would make him cringe and sweat even more profusely than he’s doing now, through his light-blue cotton button-down. He seems nervous; he says he’s nervous. This interview thing isn’t his thing. “I’m just so boring,” he says, running his hands repeatedly through his thick brown hair until it stands on end. “I’m just so dried up.” He’s chain-smoking American Spirits, drinking coffee and water and Snapple iced tea, nibbling at chocolate-covered pretzels left in a bowl for him by his assistant. (Full here)