As if Rob Pattinson getting hit and attacked this week wasn't enough, now we've got Robsten haters attacking them—with suspicious pics conveniently added for that extra-special fake drama touch. Yes, yes, we've seen the shot of Michael Angarano supposedly leaving Kristen Stewart's house after hanging out together. And we're not making any big fuss over it for multiple reasons. For one, timing's a little shaky. The pic was taken yesterday, and we have footage of Kristen arriving at Joan Jett's hotel at 12 and staying til 6.
We don't totally know the deal with Splash News, if they are a Radar, reporting false Mikesten stories, but if their dish was totally accurate what in the heck did they need to clear up? Something's just a bit off here—and it's not Michael's blatant imitation of Rob. If you ask us, this screams staged, or just plain desperate as it gets. Remind you of any wacky photos from the past?
We told you Patz & Stew weren't going public anytime soon, but just for you all, we checked with our Robsten insiders to find out what the deal is. And it ain't pretty…
For Oregano.
"[Michael] isn't in the picture like that anymore," 'fesses Deep Twi.
Not enough to make you all sleep this weekend?
Well, we pressed our studio sources for MA dirt. Have they had to factor him in to any plans like they used to?
Lucky for us, we're told that Michael's presence there is nothing like it was a year ago.
"There's never a mention of [Michael] at all anymore. There are no signs of him being around like he was when he and Kristen were actually dating. Ever since Rob and Kristen have gotten more serious, Michael's slowly been more out of the picture and factored out of studio-related plans. And that has not changed."
So there you have it. We told you all it was going to be a long summer. And don't think this is the last you've seen of Michael anyways. Just at the time when an ex is so out of the picture, isn't that when they come crawling back—for closure? He and Kristen do live in the same city.
But did it take them long enough to publicly meet up? If MA was still Kristen's main man like some of you are so concerned about, they would have been together (and caught by the 24/7 paparazzi tail) from the moment she got back to LA. Instead she was shacking with Rob Pattinson.
It's not brain surgery people, if you were Kristen—who the hell would you chose?
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