Ask and you shall receive, no? After months of patience we got a tad pissy this ayem wanting a little more Robsten interaction, and look what we came across: Robert Pattinson apparently winding his way down the hill leaving Kristen Stewart's house!
PopSugar usually knows its stuff, so we bet that if Rob isn't leaving K.Stew's, he is speeding his ass there. And how.
Maybe those paparazzi are smarter than people give them credit for?
Since those pesky paps have had a hard time staking out either Rob or Kristen since they've been hiding out in L.A. together, by the looks of it, they hid in a damn ditch or something just to catch Rob in action!
I mean, we gotta have somethin' before they show up to Teen Choice right? Sorry, Robsten, all this love worship we're showering your way requires just a little more fast-paced PDA. Preferably together next time, 'K?
Jeez, the things we do for Robsten. How far would you go for 'em?
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